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Il sito www.mammadimerda.it (di seguito il “SITO”) ha ad oggetto la promozione delle attività delle autrici dell’opera Non sei sola: Fenomenologia della Mammadimerda pubblicata il 20 gennaio 2019, Francesca Stefania Fiore e Stefania Malnerich (di seguito le “Autrici”).

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The website www.mammadimerda.it (the “WEBSITE”) is for the activities’ promotion of the work’s authors Non sei sola: Fenomenologia della Mammadimerda published on January 2019, 20th Francesca Stefania Fiore e Stefania Malnerich (the “Authors”).

Every website’s content (just for example, texts, logos, imagines, pictures, etc…) are protected by copyright and/or patent and/or trademark. Every exploitation right of WEBSITE’s contents belongs, exclusively and worldwide, to the Italian company, MdM S.r.l. Rome, Lungotevere Flaminio, 76, TAX ID 16412511004 (the “COMPANY”).

The subjects having access to the WEBSITE, therefore, undertake not to copy, disseminate, reproduce, filming and/or taking photos, transcribe, publish, communicate the contents of the WEBSITE without the previous written consent of the Company.

The sales of goods and products through the WEBSITE is just for Authors’ promotional purpose. Every good or product sold through the  WEBSITE is entirely manufactured by third parties as it is clearly indicated on them. In this regard the Company disclaims any liability. 
